Rues -- Photographies




fre Rues -- Photographies

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fre Rues -- Photographies


Les photographies de rues sont nombreuses dans la photothèque de l'ASEMI. C'est la collection Azambre qui en rassemble le plus (plus de 240), elles concernent majoritairement Hanoi sur la période 1949-1954.


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[Un goudan (maison en terre très épaisse où se serrent les objets précieux que l'on veut préserver de l'incendie)] Sujet Image fixe
[Djin-ri-kisha] Sujet Image fixe
[Devanture de boutique] Sujet Image fixe
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Java : Batavia, Rywijk (cl[iché]. Dumoulin) Sujet Image fixe
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Singer of Yanagibashi Sujet Image fixe
Bangkok. - La New Road Sujet Image fixe
Nakhon Sawan. - La rue principale Sujet Image fixe
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Vietnam - Cochinchine : Saigon, rue Catinat Sujet Image fixe
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Cour impériale Sujet Image fixe
Bombay Sujet Image fixe
No. 4. - A Plague house in Kalbadevi Road, Bombay. The plain circles represent death from Plague. The circles with a cross within denote death reported as from others maladies. It is probable that many of the latter were Plague cases falsely reported Sujet Image fixe
No. 10. - The start for work in the morning - Doctors of both sexes, Health Officials, Justices, Police, Conservancy men, with steam pump and white-washers, ambulance, shigrams and attendants setting out from morning duty Sujet Image fixe
No. 2. - Cremation ceremony in the Hindu burning ground during the time of Plague. The pile of wood is supported latterally by two iron stakes driven into the ground at each side, 5 cwts. of wood are used for burning of an adult body. At the left hand side a body just brought in and still enveloped in cloth, awaits cremation. The ashes of the body are collected and thrown into the sea Sujet Image fixe
No. 3. - Washing buildings and dwellings and flushing house gullies with Municipal steam pump in foreground and fire engine in background. A fire of wood and sulphur burns in front of the building - October 1896 Sujet Image fixe
No. 12. - Arrival of a Plague patient in an ambulance entrance of the Wari Bunder Hospital. The pulse of the patient is being examined by the Doctor. The ambulance is entirely of iron mounted on easy springs and carried on cycle wheels with rubber tyres - February 1897 Sujet Image fixe
[No. 11. - House to house visitation by Justices of Peace with a military escort and ambulance, in the native part of Bombay, much opposition was at first shown to this work but eventually the alarm of the people subsided. Plague cases continued however to be concealed till the end of the epidemic - April 1897] Sujet Image fixe
[No. 16. - The house and shop on the left hand side of the street have been declared by the Plague Committee unfit for human habitation and marked U. H. H. : accumulation of filth and insufficient light and ventilation are the causes noted by the Committee] Sujet Image fixe
[No. 1. - House in Mandvie Bunder Road where Plague was first recognised in September 1896. The seventeen circles marked against the doorway are registers of deaths from Plague officially recognised. It is currently reported that fifty deaths occurred from the epidemic in this house before the Municipality began to take official note of it] Sujet Image fixe
[The 101 Stone Steps at Yokohama] Sujet Image fixe
Laos : Khong, petits marchands et rue de la ville (circa 1900 ?) Sujet Image fixe
Laos : Khong, maisons des fonctionnaires européens (circa 1900 ?) Sujet Image fixe
Laos : Khong, les bords du Mékong (circa 1900 ?) Sujet Image fixe
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Umbrella maker Sujet Image fixe
[Volontaires se rendant au quartier général en djinrikisha (pousse pousse)] Sujet Image fixe
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Devanture de boutique Sujet Image fixe
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