Case study on the prevention of racial discrimination and xenophobia and the promotion of equal treatment in the workplace



Type de document

eng Rapport et littérature grise


eng Case study on the prevention of racial discrimination and xenophobia and the promotion of equal treatment in the workplace


eng European foundation for the improvement of livings and working conditions

Lieu de production

eng Paris


eng 1997-08


eng eng


eng Fichier PDF
eng 268 Ko

Importance matérielle

eng 62 p.


Université Côte d'Azur. BU Saint-Jean d'Angély. Fonds Véronique De Rudder


eng Droits réservés

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Réservé aux chercheurs de l'UNS et de l'Urmis


Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) -- quartiers nord


Rapport et littérature grise


Version anglaise du rapport de 1994. Analyse, du point de vue des relations interethniques, du dispositif de recrutement du personnel d'un hypermarché implanté dans un secteur défavorisé à forte proportion de populations d'origine étrangère (les Quartiers-Nord de Marseille). Conflits et négociations ont conduit à adopter un système de préférence locale pour l'embauche, garanti et contrôlé par les services publics. Ce cas de "discrimination positive" à la française définit les bénéficiaires sur des critères territoriaux (la résidence dans les Quartiers-Nord) et écarte officiellement toute considération ethnique ou raciale (daltonisme volontaire). Il s'établit ainsi, dans les relations de travail, un jeu de reconnaissance-occultation de l'ethnicité, favorisé par la fonction médiatrice de la catégorie territoriale et sociale "Quartiers-Nord".

Table des matières

Chapter 1: National Context
1.1 Immigrant populations in France
Foreign and immigrant populations in France: the lack of statistical data
Immigrants, their nationalities and countries of origin
Employment, skills and sectors of activity
1.2 Social, political and legal context
The Republican model and ethnic or racial discrimination
Current trends: raising of awareness and adaptation of the model
1.3 Enterprises and discrimination in the workplace

Chapter 2: The Case Study in its Local Context
2.1 Choice of site and survey methods
Local preference as a way of adapting the model
The involvement of many actors
Positive discrimination and voluntary Daltonism
2.2 Urban and social context
Are there “ethnic minorities” in the Quartiers-Nord?
2.3 The institutional genesis of the Grand Littoral project
2.4 Before the grand opening: the socio-political context
The building site and the first actions by local people
Action by the public services
The gradual definition of shared objectives
Defining a method and changing attitudes

Chapter 3: Staff Recruitment and Training Policy at Continent
3.1 Formal agreements
3.2 The role of Fondation Agir contre l’Exclusion [FACE]
The training of Continent managers
The hiring of 58 people “with serious difficulties”
3.3 Recruitment in collaboration with the Agence Locale pour l’Emploi
3.4 Local preference and the recruitment of minority group members: whether or not
to use the term “ethnic”

Chapter 4: Evaluation of Results
4.1 A shared success
Job creation that truly benefits the people of Marseilles’ Quartiers-Nord
Seeking transparency in recruitment policy
A sense of balance in settling disputes between local groups
4.2 The limitations of the Grand Littoral project
Many called and few chosen: a general sense of betrayal
So, now you’ve got a job: yes, but...
4.3 Various actors, various viewpoints: similar yet differing evaluations
The main promoters of the Grand Littoral project: Tréma and Continent
State services
Quartiers-Nord workers
4.4 A very obvious absence: race and ethnic background
Ethnic background and negative discrimination in the recruitment procedure
Inter-ethnic relations and labour relations at Continent
The Quartiers-Nord dialectic

Conclusion: From Local Preference to Localised Positive Discrimination